Kamis, 19 April 2012

Well, life is so hard and tough pals. That is what I got from seeing an old woman at noon a few days ago. On that sunny day, she walked bringing feather dusters in her old hand, carrying brooms on her back. She asked every one to buy it. She asked everyone in the car that passed her in a fast food restaurant. With only a bamboo cap on her head she fought against the heat. None bought her brooms. Not far from her, the husband sat on the pavement with any other cleaning tools. Yes pals, getting money is not easy. There are people who work so hard in order to be able to live properly.

Rabu, 18 April 2012


When I was a kid, I had friends. We used to play together. When I moved to my new home and went to different elementary school, we didn’t play together anymore.
When I was in elementary school, I had friends. We used to study together. When we were in different class in junior high school, we didn’t study together anymore.
When I was in junior high school, I had friends. We used to talk about boys together. When I moved from the town, we didn’t talk about boys together anymore.
When I was in senior high school, I had friends. We used to have fun together. When we went to different campus, we didn’t have fun together anymore.
When I am in college, I have friends. We share a lot of stories and opinion together. When we graduate from this college, what will we be?

Venus and Mars

So what if I am Venus
And you are Mars?
We try or best to solve our problem
So what if I am Venus
And you are Mars?
We live in the same planet, Earth
So what if I am Venus
And you are Mars?
We want to enjoy or life
So what if I am Venus
And you are Mars?
We breathe the same air
So what if I am Venus
And you are Mars?
We both are creatures from the same Creator


Insincerity is there
Lays on my heart
Lays on my mind
Lays on my tongue
It means not to lie
It means not to deceive
It means not to fake
It’s only …..
Anxiety comes to my mind
Anxiety comes to my heart
Anxiety comes to my tongue
It’s just…..
I want to be understood
I want to be read
I want to be seen
I’m telling you that
I want to be understood
I’m telling you that
My heart wants to be read
I’m telling you that
My mind wants to be seen
It’s merely….
I’m ashamed
I’m afraid
I’m anxious
I want you to be here….

Minggu, 01 April 2012

Downfall of Deaths

A strong passion lies at the heart of an ordinary woman
Who has gone through thick and thin encountering contentment and agony
In dealing with her own dilemma
Occasionally draining energy, physically and mentally
The spectacular results from her first efforts,
 struggles to find a quite sensitive grace
have inspired similar endeavors across the globe including
blend emotional and humorous anecdotes
a string emotive moments kick her passion
presenting an effective climax for the rise and fall of the world
set the target to the center of error and disaster