Minggu, 25 Maret 2012

feel me

Can you feel my blue when
You are glowing in the gold
Can you feel my feeling when
The wind are blowing my hopes
Can you feel my wish when
My love are growing inside me

Inside me,
 I can see you
Dancing over the rainbow
Dancing follow the flow
Without knowing you’ve made
A hollow
Inside me
Inside me,
 I can see you singing a lullaby to my heart
So I can’t awake the me
Inside me

You call it’s a lullaby
I call it’s an alibi
You call it’s a potion
I call it’s a poison

Hugging is an alibi trying to runaway
In a dark way of me
And a bright way of you
Can you feel it?

Jumat, 23 Maret 2012

that's the way life is

Open your eyes
see people around you
open your mind
see the world around you
don't say it's enough
don't say you're enough
there are 'they', if you are good enough

Close your book
read your surrounding
close that bullshit theory
feel the warmth with
your own hand
feel the cold with
your own foot
feel the blue with
your own heart

don't you dare to call yourself so
don't you dare to call yourself so
don't you dare to call yourself so

if you don't understand
those whisper of people beside you
if you are not tough against
the storm losing your trust
if you don't see the smile
the sun gives you

Rabu, 21 Maret 2012

library oh library

I felt as a real university student today. I went to the library and searched for many references for my thesis. It was a kind of exaggerated, but that was what I felt. It was very unusual for me to stay in the library for hours, searching for the book and noting down every important materials. I could do that even I thought that the time was not long enough for me to get anything I want. Well, in my life as a university student, I seldom went to the library. Why? Because I thought my campus library is old-fashioned. I mean the situation of the library and also the books –most of them are old books that even my parents have not existed in this world when the book was printed out. It was just like entering Hogwarts library. I almost went to the library when I was in elementary school, junior high school, and senior high school. But now, I change my mind. Though the situation is not that comfortable, but go to a library is very important to gain knowledge and to finish your final paper of course.

Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012

don't play with the policeman!!!

Don’t try to play with the traffic or you will be caught by the police!!! That’s what I learned today. When I passed the intersection in front of Gramedia book store, there were four people on two motorcycles did not pay attention to the traffic signs that they cannot turn left. It seemed that they were not from Jogja. One motorcycle has stopped because they knew that they were wrong, but another motorcycle run away. The policeman rode his motorcycle and chased after them. After a long chased, the policeman caught them in the Malioboro intersection. Wow! (he did not give up to chase after them). Hahaha :D The suspects seemed did not realize that the policeman chase after them. n_n

Rabu, 14 Maret 2012


This night I had a discussion with Isti about a poem. There was a silly idea come out of my mind, making a poem with biology, chemistry, or physic theme n__n. Can you imagine the poem will be? May be it will be like this
My love for you comes through your heart
As the light comes through the stomata
My desire for you is so strong
As the cambium of an old oak
Our heart is so close
So that you need not to count it
With S=Vxt
You can hear my heart beating
From the longitudinal wave it gives you
You know my burden
Of hiding my feeling from you,
You will find out with count it
What funny poems they are :D

Selasa, 13 Maret 2012


She walked to the gateway and saw him riding his motorcycle away. She breathed in the air and walked through the path and passed some rooms. She groped her jeans pocket and found a key with a star doll in the key ring. She unlocked and opened the door. The smell of sweat came out of the room. The room was in a total dark and then she turned on the lamp. She saw her clothes hang loose in on the hanger; towel was on the bed and shocks on the desk. She laid herself on the bed full of books and old magazines. Thinking what she had to do with her messy room was something difficult to do. What she wanted to do was calling him and asked him to go back to her place. She would go somewhere but her own room. She needed any human being to talk and laugh with.
She closed her eyes and darkness came surrounding –covered her imagination, herself, and her spirit. When she opened her eyes, she found out that there was none but her in the room. This fact led her to dim. She needed other people to cheer her. So she decided to go out somewhere  to find any humans.

Minggu, 11 Maret 2012

I like to read comics, whether it is in form of book or via on line. I like it very much. I like to see the picture. Sometimes they are depicted very cute and sometimes very beautiful. I also like the story; it can make me cry, smile, and even laugh. The stories are light enough so that I do not need to think hard when I read it. Reading comic for me is a refreshing. It is a media to escape from reality. It makes me forget about my problems, my chores, and even having meal. What aspect in the comics I love the most? I love the perfect world. I love that any surprise and happy things come to the characters which seams impossible in our life. Well, I love imagining anything, so this kind of unreal stories are my favorite ones.